Reimagine logistics.

Trellis Transact is the industry leader for managing all aspects of the energy value chain.


Trellis Transact ensures consistency and accuracy throughout your business

Imagine a single place where you can capture contracts and deals, gather capacity information, read notices, tariffs, weather data, and pricing intel, while also scheduling nominations and managing your actualization, settlement, and reconciliation processes.

As if all those weren’t enough, Trellis Transact lets you do it all while seamlessly connecting with your business partners to electronically share data and information.  

Trellis Transact is the leading, integrated, end-to-end cloud solution for managing all aspects of the energy value chain.

It allows producers, transporters, shippers, marketers, utilities, brokers, end-users, and more to transact mission-critical business in a secure, reliable, and user-friendly manner.

Leverage the power of a single solution that ensures accuracy and consistency of data throughout your business. Integrate with industry providers and partners to reduce manual processes and redundant data entry.


One Platform

No matter what your role or which aspect of the process you're managing, use one platform for everything.


Data moves where it should, when it should, from nominations to settlement.

NAESB Certified

Fully compliant with the latest NAESB 3.2 standard.


A scalable, cloud native, open standard architecture that can grow with your business. 


Trellis Transact includes many other features related to energy trade and transaction management. If you don't see a feature that's important to you, please click Book A Call to arrange a demo with a member of our support team.

What can Trellis Transact do for you?

  • Informational Postings/EBB
  • Counterparty Management
  • Credit, Exposure, and Risk Management
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Physical and Financial Deals
  • Capacity Contracts
  • Supply Logistics
  • Customer Choice
  • Nominations, Confirmations, and Scheduling
  • Measurement, Allocations, Actualization
  • Imbalances, Trading and Cashouts
  • Accounting, Invoicing, Settlement
  • End-User and C&I Billing
  • Regulatory Reporting 

How will you put Trellis Transact to work?

Book a demo today or fill in the contact form and one of our specialists will get in touch to learn more about your business and the benefits of Trellis Transact.

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