Trellis Blog

The buyer's journey travels through five stages: awareness, evaluation, selection, implementation, and loyalty

December 06, 2023

The ETRM Buyer's Journey

It has been a hot minute since I purchased a major piece of enterprise software. These days, I’m focused on how the energy trading landscape is evolving—especially around renewable natural gas and...

Student delegates speak at the 2023 North American Gas Forum in Washington, DC
Natural Gas

November 01, 2023

North American Gas Forum: Innovations in Natural Gas Technology & Communication

Last week, the Energy Dialogues team convened an important and well-managed event at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. The North American Gas Forum assembled over 200 energy executives,...

Global CO2 market
Natural Gas

September 27, 2023

Competition and Compassion - The Double-Edged Sword of Decarbonization

The California Air Resources Board often speaks of their desire to engage with decarbonization “in everything, everywhere, and all at once”. Meanwhile, a multitude of lower-carbon technologies can be...

An artistic rendering of hydrogen molecules
Natural Gas

September 13, 2023

Sharing is Caring - Blending Hydrogen into Existing Natural Gas Infrastructure

After many years of talk but no action, significant steps are finally being taken toward realizing a hydrogen-based energy ecosystem. One such effort involves leveraging existing natural gas...

A man staring at a complex diagram on a whiteboard
Transaction Management

August 16, 2023

Battling Complexity in ETRM Projects to Avoid End User Divorce

Chatting with two friends of mine—a trader and her scheduler from a major energy company—I casually enquired which IT assets were most reliable and critical to their day-to-day work. “Email, chat,...


August 02, 2023

Holy Cows and Black Swans—Managing Logistic Nightmares

What, if anything, do you remember about February 6th, 2016? It’s unlikely to have been your birthday—in the USA, at least, where it ranks 311th in most common birthdays—but perhaps you recall J.J....

Different questions lead to different answers
Digital Transformation

July 05, 2023

Generative AI - Priming for Relevance

“Would you rather motivate me with some ice-cream or focus my attention with the aid of a shake?” This was a well framed prompting question asked by my 8-year-old daughter. I don’t recall which we...

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