Trellis Blog

Student delegates speak at the 2023 North American Gas Forum in Washington, DC
Natural Gas

November 01, 2023

North American Gas Forum: Innovations in Natural Gas Technology & Communication

Last week, the Energy Dialogues team convened an important and well-managed event at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. The North American Gas Forum assembled over 200 energy executives,...


October 25, 2023

Baseload, Resource Adequacy and Natural Gas

The U.S. power grid is a complex beast. Handling the second largest amount of power in the world (after China), it includes over 160,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, broken into three...

Statistical price data overlaid onto a natural gas burner

October 18, 2023

Putting Some Numbers on U.S. Natural Gas

Natural gas plays a vital role in US energy supply, energy security, and industrial competitiveness. As we’ve written elsewhere, it will remain a hugely important part of the energy mix for decades...


October 11, 2023

Natural Gas, LNG, and North American Energy Security

Energy is the bedrock of North American society, providing it with light, heat, fuel, and an outsized dose of global economic competitiveness. The United States, Mexico, and Canada all boast...

Lady with headache staring at a pile of paper documents
Natural Gas

October 04, 2023

How Timely is Your Gas Transaction Data? The Case for Modern Solutions

In the digital age of instant connectivity, you might assume that every industry is making decisions based on real-time data streams. However, many sectors—including the natural gas industry—grapple...

Global CO2 market
Natural Gas

September 27, 2023

Competition and Compassion - The Double-Edged Sword of Decarbonization

The California Air Resources Board often speaks of their desire to engage with decarbonization “in everything, everywhere, and all at once”. Meanwhile, a multitude of lower-carbon technologies can be...

A cut diamond resting on a laptop keyboard

September 20, 2023

ETRM or ETMS? The Power of Persistent Stories

How often do you do something because you’ve been told it’s the “right thing to do”? Or because you’ve heard that it’s what successful people do when they find themselves in this sort of...

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