Trellis Blog

A black swan, symbolic of a rare event that leads to a crisis

May 17, 2023

It's Time to Future-Proof Your Energy Operations Business

It’s hard to approach any strategy planning session without mentioning COVID-19, the black swan that redefined force majeure, upended budgets, marginalized existing investments, and turned daily...

Hand selecting a tile with a female image from a row of tiles with male images

May 10, 2023

Support for Women in Tech and the Oil and Gas Industry

Diversity in the tech industry continues to be a hot topic. Leading companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, have taken some heat for the underrepresentation of women in their...

Woman running in front of clouds as metaphor for energy transactions running in the cloud
Natural Gas

May 03, 2023

Why Your Energy Transactions Should be Running in the Cloud

The oil and gas industry is cautious and slow-to-evolve. This makes sense. Messing with the energy supply chain requires careful planning and solid, reliable infrastructure. But as the sector...

Graphic showing compliance, regulations, and standards
Natural Gas

April 26, 2023

An Introduction to NAESB Standards and FERC Compliance

FERC, NAESB, GISB, NERC, CURB—what does it all mean? The world of energy transaction compliance is fraught with an alphabet soup of acronyms and plenty of lengthy compliance and standards...

operational analytics for a competitive edge

April 19, 2023

How to Create a Competitive Advantage Based on Operational Analytics

Natural gas companies operate large, expensive equipment and facilities throughout their operations. Yet, despite massive investments in faster and smarter processes, most oil and gas companies...

XLS graphic superimposed on 0s and 1s symbolizing spreadsheet data

April 12, 2023

For the Love of Spreadsheets, It's Time for Something Less Risky

Spreadsheets are powerful and awesome. 81% percent of businesses use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets somewhere in their day-to-day operations. They are a low-cost, high-value solution for nearly every...

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